
How to watermark a video - add text to video with Star video watermark for Windows

Now more and more people use video watermark and stamp software to watermark a video on Windows, to protect video file. Generally there have 2 watermarks, text watermark and image watermark. Today we will study how to aggiungere text watermark to video with our Star video Watermark software.

Text watermark is a special mark which enable you write words on your video filevideo to protect video file copyright. With Star video Watermark for Windows(free video watermarking batch software), you can create text watermark as your will, such as a date, company name, website address, email address and so on, If use text watermark good, maybe it can bring you a surprise! Add text to your videosvideo, it not only tell people this video belongs to you, but also deliver some useful information to people.

How to watermark a video file with Star video Watermark for Windows software? It’s fast and easy.

Now let’s add text to video together.

Step 1: Download Star video Watermark for Windows software, launch Star video watermark and create a new template(watermarks Demo). You can create all kinds of watermarks demo.

edit photos watermarks

Step 2: Edit your watermarks demo, see the following pictures,

Edit video watermarks demo

Ⅰ)Text: here you can write any words as text watermark, and aggiungere watermark to a video file.
Ⅱ)Font: here you can edit the font of watermarks, click Choose button, see the following picture,you can choose different font, the size of the watermarks.

edit the font of watermarks

Ⅲ)Location: here you can put watermarks in suitable place, such as Center Center, Top left, or rotate the watermarks to good place.
Ⅳ)Color: here you can edit the color of watermarks, text color, edge color and shadow color, I like these color, you can try,the effect is very good, very beautiful.

edit the color of watermarks

Step3:Watermark a video document, Click Add File button, choose your video document and watermarks templates.

Click Output Preview button, see if this watermark effect is ok.

video watermarks effect

If ok, click Processing button, then add text to video file successful, Now free download star video watermark for Windows!