Picture and PDF watermark tools on Windows PC and macOS
Discover the top 10 apps for watermarking photos on Mac. Protect and promote your original work with these easy-to-use tools.
Discover the top 5 apps for watermarking photos on Windows. Learn how to protect your original photographs and enhance your branding and online exposure.
Discover the top 10 apps for resizing photos on Windows. Learn how to make your images smaller and optimize them for websites, blogs, social media, and more. Find out how Star Watermark can help you add watermarks to your resized images.
Learn how to add text to photos on PC and Mac using Star Watermark, a powerful software that allows you to annotate your images easily.
Learn about the importance of adding a watermark to your original photographs as a photographer, blogger, photojournalist, realtor, or design artist. Discover 10 Windows apps that enable you to add watermarks to your photos.
Discover everything there is to know about WebP, a modern image format that offers faster page load time and smaller file sizes compared to JPEG and PNG.